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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 17, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PST

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lot of smoke in the area and thankfully the wind is not that strong we also have the embers that may reach areas. >> this is starting to look like they're getting an upper hand. they are shooting about 30 mi. up in the air. there are a lot of crews and the area and the smoke is visible from 11. if you have any pictures, you can send them to breaking >> fire personnel from san mateo has been called in to help out. this area of the
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bay road near dulles avenue is shut down.douglas wrote is s >> we will continue to monitor the latest and bring you an update. >> erica has been watching the forecast. >> we have only sing when the and the difference between the zero tub 20 mi. per hour but i have had of yours right then and stated that it is pretty hazy. air quality may be a concern but they are getting a handle on the fire. this was just a couple of days ago when the speeds were up to 50 mi. per hour or.15 mi. per hour. the ref
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the bay is waking up to 30's and '40's and it will be a another day of all for '60s and '70s. >> there are minor changes to highlight in i will bring you your extended forecast coming up. >> we are tracking a few hot spots. there was a gravel spill on 680 southbound. now this traffic is starting to back up. here is a close look at the maps. disconnecting ramp from 580 to stop 68 was shut down for awhile and that is why the traffic is backed up into livermore. now the sweepers are working south bond so that the traffic is backed up into dublin. shot and there are big delays through
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this area because of this earlier r occurring problem. we are still jammed up 1880 into fremont. there are two accidents, one at maori and that is why we are behind. >> that accident is closer to third avenue and is backing up traffic into burlingame. >> seattle is already prepared for the 49ers are rival for sunday's nfc championship game. the seahawks " 12 man " which is the fans, doing everything possible to make seattle a 49 are free zone. they're calling it today " blue on friday. " kron4 j.r. stone joins us live from seattle. >> i am out here and i told joy half-hour ago that i will try to find people in
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red, i did. , i did. this is sean. here is not necessarily a 49ers game. but he had read. he is from canada. >> in canada, they are such heavy sports fans. they are trading their tickets and they are auctioning them in assessed to very sums of cash. >> so, basically let me just put this in layman's terms. they are giving up their hockey tickets to come to this game? >> coming down in busload. the >> guest. they're coming down and bus lowe's to see this day. it is funny because we were previously chatting, sears way, i hope
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that san francisco makes it again. i love the city of san francisco not because i will wear red. >> the real reason, his wife is a big fan of san francisco and that is the reason why he has to back them up. >> they're coming down, the energy in this city they're coming from all areas to see this game. hopefully, we have 49er fans will make their way down 3 and >> i thought, it was a canadian thing. maybe in canada, they wear something different. >> my first question was are you from san francisco? >> i told him it was okay and we just started to talk. i just did not know that.
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>> this is something interesting. >> remember, they did not like california but they let canadians by a. , this was two days ago. they were worried in canada about the not be able to get tickets. >> correct. i am telling you that it is have it and can the for tickets. >> real quick, we have other things that are coming up this morning. i know they will have a rallied celebration. they have 2000 donuts. i guess they're all seahawks the bill does. , 2000 i have to be there and i am working to get to that video of those crispy cream
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donuts. malign >> do not buy a 12¢ cup of coffee from starbucks. stay true. >> i will not my cup. >> there are layers to the rivalry between the 49ers and the seahawks. the fans do not like each other. the team does not particularly like each other. the coaches really do not like each other. heading into the game, they are downplaying the rye ridge that dates back to their college coach in. >> i have a greater respect for what jim has done. that is where it starts and stops. you could have a blast with the rest of the
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stuff. maligned of course, he has to say that. >> we will continue to have the latest on the 49ers' chasing the championship. coming up, we will hear from may 49 election about what colin kapernick needs to do to get back to the super bowl. >> historically dry weather is expected to last for least another three months. that is according to a federal scientist. the report has prompted gov. jerry brown to declare a drought emergency. he is expected to do so this morning in san francisco. >> the time of 7:08 a.m.. we continue to follow the breaking news out of redwood city. there is a huge fire at a machine shop. look at all the smoke that is coming
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from this fire. we will be right back.
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>> welcome back. the latest on a fire burning in glendora outside a los angeles. new video in to kron4 this one and that massive wildfires about 25 mi. northeast. 3700 residents have been
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evacuated and do not know when that will be able to return. right now the kobe a fire is 30% contained read the winds are expected to be calmer today for firefighters were battling the fire in san gabriel mountains. painfully, there have been no major injuries. we are waiting for an update. >> san francisco police department is searching for the people responsible for vandalizing a minibumuni bus lat month. you are looking at surveillance photos from december 20th on the the meat-and 37 line. the bus stopped at hyatt and ashbury street at a red light, when a large cross around it on the bus, yelling and bang get on the windows. some of the windows were shattered while others were marked with graffiti. >> coming up we will talk
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more about the fire in redwood city. >> will also talk more about the seahawks and the 49ers game. >> here is a live look outside from our mount tam cam. we will be right back.
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i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier! explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time.
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>> welcome back. we are following the latest with the fire in redwood city. this is a live look from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news spreads this is at the corner of bay road and douglas ave. this is just two blocks, parallel 011. this fire has quickly escalated. with the last half hour they have had to call for more help. this is now a 6 alarm fire. drop the morning and the past 50 minutes we have seen the entire roof and soffit.entire rn claims. >> looking at how the smoke is forming over redwood city. this is a huge amount
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of smoke because this fire has been burning for over an hour. painfully, the wind is light. that does prevent a lot of smoke going over portions of and and it was feared that embers would reach additional structures. >> it appears set the cruise same to get a better hands on the outer edges. we will keep monitoring the latest. >> colin kapernick has struggled in seattle but that is not a surprise for most quarterbacks. his stats into games at center lynnfield, 32 of 64 for 371 yds, one touchdown and four interceptions. he has rushed for 118 yds against the seahawks, but as zero
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touchdowns. 49ers legend and hall of famer joe montana things that caprifig is going to have to rely on his arm to beat seattle. >> he has to be accurate. he will have to make a lot a tight place. >> we will continue to have the latest on the 49ers are chasing the championship. coming up, we will talk with gary radnich about what he expects to see on sunday. >> the time is 7:18 a.m.. >> we're actually tracking a hot spot, and the worst is in livermore we started with a gravel spill and it affected the connecting ramp from was 580. caltran showed
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up to clean up the spill. they shut down this one. this was backed up into livermore. it is still slow. they're working their way and this is why 680 is backed up to north of the 580 interchange. this will be a great morning for you to use the back door route. we're still jammed up on the nimitz freeway because of a accidents southbound and maori. we are solidly backed up into san leandro and across the bay, delays on 1 01 not in connection with the fire but there was an accident at the vicinity of popular. it is backed up to sfo. >> they get, even though
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there is a fire burning, it is not have an impact and you did see the smoke, it has not been slow in the traffic down. >> a quick check from the bridge, we have a stalled car on the upper deck. we went from no backups to a backup. there was a report of a truck that was blocking a for the san mateo bridge, highway 92, it is light and there are no backups or delays. >> we're starting a morning off with cooler conditions compared to 24 hours ago in fact, there is a 21 degree drop for half moon bay. low for this for san mateo. we are still around freezing for santa rosa and napa. you may need to use your jacket this morning but lose it by this afternoon. plenty of
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70's expected. the possibility to break records. santa clara will have a high of 71 and evergreen will have a high of 74. the temperatures will remain in the upper 60s to the san ramon and 71 for castro valley. overall some spots will be as much as 14 degrees warmer. >> looking ahead we do have the battle in seattle, if you are going to the game, you should bring it jacket mostly cloudy conditions with a 40% chance of rain. >> we will not see in rain if you will be in the bay area. this will keep any storm well to the north. we will enjoy it sunshine and temperatures in the '70s. although there is said slight change in the temperatures for next week we will still be warmer than average. >> smart glass as are so
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last year! google >> i wear is a contact lens. here is a photo. this contact is to monitor glucose levels in tears. it is an invention that has the potential to help millions of diabetics, who otherwise have to protect their fingers and draw blood several times a day in order to check their glucose levels. the new contact lenses just a prototype for now. google says it will take emily's five years to make them available. >> there is good news for the san diego woman who was cited for driving with a global glasses on. the traffic court has brought out the ticket cecilia asbadie was found not guilty
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because when the officer pulled her over, the glasses were turned off. the law she was cited for breaking, requires that the device has to be on. she is believed to be the first driver to be cited for wearing google glass while driving. she was also cited for speeding. >> coming up. we will have a track dow crack down. i will exn in my next edition of people behaving badly.
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given me the finger is an going to stop me from being here. >>: something tells me that there's a catch in the back in san francisco. the city is tired of all the bad drivers bicyclists and pedestrians. the gloves are off. delta the bicyclist of that. >>: this driver is testing a line of sitting at the light at octavius. little does she know that's the san francisco police department and the california higher patrol are joining together. also known as a citation.
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>>: this bicyclist is by letting a few laws. sony has a chat with a member of sfpd. >>: also known as a solo >>: if you do understand it's legal for its even in this land here is the wrong leg. a lot of pedestrian the hackles. this person is about to ignore the note turn allred sign and aero. >>: hey hey hey >>: and apparently a chp officer in full uniform will then have to give chase. >>: in the affairs of person i like to talk to be this
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driver >>: given to the police car right there >>: no. >>: it is made that term. does it assigned a said don't turn allred >>: no. >>: now. >>: every chance i get i'm going to show the bad behavior of pedestrians bicyclist and drivers. stanley roberts kron4 news.
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we want to go back to our breaking news story to a sixth alarm fire in redwood city. a-judge kron4's will tran is live on the road and douglas. >>: it's been burning out of control for more than 90 minutes now. six alarms. that translates into more than 100 firefighters. to dangerous for them to go
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inside the building which is why you see them from this and. they now want anyone inside because they're scared the roof might collapse. breeding is a huge issue. you can smell the metope-metal because this is a machine shop. it does not appear that there is a shelter in place. that happened at 530 in the morning when many people were scheduled to show up for work. fattal some nearby businesses. let's talk to a man who works right across the street. his name is roll. >>: when we first arrived here shortly before 6 there was nothing but smoke billowing out the top. looks like a tornado drill shooting up. tenor 15
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minutes later there were flames shooting of the top of the roof. >>will: with this part. he got this on himself on. >>: one of my co-workers called firefighters. we've worked at this business so we just came out and watched. 51050 minutes to the above was completed and off from one into another. it appears that once they cut and to the polls is set the fire off. >>: was breathing as bad that time as it is this time. >>: this note is much thicker now but i was probably 20 or 30 ft. away and i could feel the heat. further back. it was 100 yds away and you could fill it on your face. >>will: there is the fire marshal. any updates. this is live
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>>: ran out on defense of operation. you can see behind the a large manufacturing building and there are residents to the west of it which we are and the process of protecting those structures as well. it's a pretty significant fire. we are in defense of operation. >>: departments to the west or protection mode. there's a spot fires on the top. >>mark: those people and the apartments? but they've all been evacuated. >>will: would you call it under control? >>: no. it has not been placed under control. >>darya: what has been the most difficulty? a >>: off fires are dangerous. if you use some approaches >>: thank you so much. i
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appreciated. here's another gentleman. sir you were speaking before we went on tv. you work and have a building. can you tell us what happened. >>: i worked in there for 2030 years and never seen this happen before. i don't know what's going on i see a lot of of cars here. >>: the good news is no one has been injured and no one has been killed. they're all over it. it's not considered under control. >>: and massive fire six alarms. in breaking out about an hour ago. look out for bay rolled credit douglas ave shutdown. there's over 100 fire personnel. books like they're getting the upper hand. >>: george following some
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problems out in the east bay. >>george: itouch on the fire in just a moment. first, let's get to the hot spot we've been tracking since the 5:00 hour. it started with a gravel spill from the connecting ramp 580 to 68 and 680 south bound to vern l.. --bkurnellburnell 6. in the southbound solidly backed up. if a slow traffic getting into livermore and along the floor of the valley that's backed up all the way down to 680 south bound at of personnel.
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staff smoke that's fan blowing across the roadway had no impact on the traffic. but as you can see that's changed. thankfully it's only a little sluggish. mostly on the southbound side heading to redwood city. >>erica: those offshore went really starting to die down
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we are looking at the possibility of breaking some records today. a full look at afternoon highs coming up in just a couple of minutes. >>darya: 637 and the 49ers getting in their last practices all week long and today, this afternoon that will be heading to seattle for the big game. there were up early because the jacki cecil is live at levi stadium in santa clara. you saw lights on. what time was that? >>:, the big question is our year gold a boot on right now. >>darya: i have to talk to gary because i don't know if these will do.
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>>james: jacki >>: here's some video from yesterday during practice. they will have another practice today as they prepare for their third consecutive nfc championship game. they're one in one the last two championship years. after practice today they are heading up to seattle. believe it look too early hits the working up to this point. they're leaving for seattle will have to practice and that obviously the game on sunday. a huge weekend. everyone's getting excited. practice starts at 1030. affirmed >>darya: thanks a lot jacki. we will be talking with gary radnich in just about five
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minutes or so as to continue our coverage of our battle in seattle. >>james: we will take a quick break. back with more in a moment. with bring you live pictures once again. looking back over san francisco. a slight breeze and the air. back with more headlines in a moss. [ mom ] hi, we're the pearsons, and we love chex cereal.
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so we made our own commercial to tell you why. first, chex makes lots of gluten free flavors. which is a huge thing for us. and there's seven to choose from. like cinnamon, honey nut, and chocolate. i tell them "you guys are gonna turn into chocolate chex!" i like cinnamon, greg is a honey nut nut. when you find something this good, you want to spread the word. [ all ] we're the pearsons, and we love chex! [chris]still smoking up a storm? [tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking?
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[tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how. [tom] really? you wouldn't have that number on you,would you?
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741 is the time to read new this morning facebook has launched a new feature called trending. it gives users quick access to hot topics that are gaining bus across the social network. officials said the product will help people find the bestacross facebook. trending will be available on the web and the u.s., the u.k., canada, india and australia. it will also be tested on mobile devices.
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welcome back to the kron4 morning news tracking hotspots this morning and our developing breaking news story this fire and redwood city it is having a bigger and more significant impact on the traffic. look at 101 and the southbound
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direction. we have slow traffic heading down to 92 because of earlier occurring problems that were popular now that traffic is starting to back up all the way into redwood city and the north bound ride is backing up as well because it's near woodside road on the freeway. we're still looking at the laser livermore dublin and now down to a son no on 580 westbound and 680 southbound after caltrans had to clear some gravel that was dropped and the roadway and the 4:00 hour this morning. and while the gravel was in the roadway there was no backup because of ramp and lane closures the freeway is not a mess. we're still jammed up out of san leandro and to fremont with earlier occuring problems there. it was our accident at popular that act of the southbound traffic. ralston getting all the way
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up toward popular. big delays up for 92 and 101 in both directions. the bay bridge and a stall which backed things up and we're still slow here on the eighth 80 approach as well as through the maze but drive times are about 60 minutes and a little less to reach for your ride to the golden gate bridge the problems in san mateo bridge highway 92 to move conditions of slow going off 90 to a connecting with 101 both northbound and southbound. >>erica: if happy friday everyone. a waking up to temperatures mainly in the thirties and forties especially blue below freezing and santa rosa. this san francisco mount like a conditions and 48 degrees. if will see some quick warning into the afternoon. i think we will already see some '70s by lunchtime. focusing your afternoon highs, 73 degrees expect and sunnyvale to read temperatures in the upper 60s for san ramon valley
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will '70s along the east bay shore live. as san francisco a high of 69. as looks likely to also sees a loss '70s north of the golden gate bridge. high pressure is still very dominant over the area. we will see in the storm coming from the pacific. post your 7 day around the bay forecast shows sunshine and dry weather which will continue along with temperatures above average. >>: >>darya: (yelling) (screaming) >>darya: that's exactly what kapernick needs to do. keep those beets by drake on during the game. --beats by dre. >>gary: i go hello
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>>: he says happy last day of having to hype the game and said the lab's-tested the same thing you've been doing all week. i cannot wait for sunday. >>: what am i wearing right
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now? >>: whenever it is it's new. >>: it's not new. garrett i have learned you have to stick to the plan with the game superstition. >>: last week he goes you but you were the gold boots and worked. are you going to wear them again? >>: and then this morning i put on the go to the shoes. i know. >>gary: let me see your feet? >>: yet to come down here to see my platforms that make me stand tall. >>gary: >>: it's my gold rush roll look. >>gary: >>: a year like who owns golden boot. so do i have to wear them again?. if i
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don't wear these boots i'm going to be blamed for messing up the mojo. i know how it goes. >>gary: where do you wear those boots? forget the game for a minute. >>darya: when i bought them i said to myself when i got aware of these? maybe to the oscars. i'm putting them on right now. i don't want them to be my fault.
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>>: what is the people who
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are watching us were in the studio awaiting us and i hate to end the rule and i hope you mess up. how can athletes do it? good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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to take you right to redwood city whereas there is a sixth alarm fire. all live at the scene has kron4's will tran. will: they've made progress but they're still not calling it under
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control. you can see the letters are still being used. it's a nearby apartment on the other side of the machine shop where they believe the fire started. their 100 firefighters on the same. they're starting to relax a
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little bit to the fire still burning. they can go inside peru where for for >>james: thank you again. >>mark: and here are some pictures that the san mateo county sheriff tweeted out. seattle is already prepared for the 49ers arrival for sunday's n-f-c championship game. picture showing the flames shooting 20 and 30 ft. up in the year. >>darya: 8023 want to get too caught up on a hot spot and traffic. >>george: we're also tracking delays in connection with this fire 0101 southbound. to quite a while for to have an impact
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on the ride but now it does. the slow traffic that had been making its way south toward '92 is now have it all the way down to woodside road. the exit moss adjacent to the fire. its lowest on the southbound side. though it is having some impact on the northbound ride as well. there's an earlier occurring accident at popular that back things up. things are choked up through the 92 interchange. were looking at delays on 880 southbound but they're starting to unwind a little come at a san leandro down to fremont and the ride on 680 south and 580 west still choked out because of generally of morning gravels bill to require it will ramp and plant closures. here's a
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look pitcher ride at the weather. >>erica: i do want to talk a little bit about that fire. the wind speeds of spare between zero and benefits we do have a lot of smoke and the area. people have their riding and to me saying it's pretty hard to breathe. and also some concerns about his ability. rest of the bay area waking up to temperatures in the '30's and 50's. '70s later on today. i talk about where we could potentially breaks a record highs coming up in just 15 minutes. >>darya: following the breaking story. we're waiting for the 49ers to leave this afternoon ahead to the battle in the seattle. the seahawks' ""12th man"" -- which is the fans -- are doing everything possible to make seattle a 49er- free zone. they're calling today "blue
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friday." kron four's j-r stone joins us live now from seattle. hey j-r! there are layers to the rivalry between the 49ers and seahawks. the fans don't particularly like each other. i told you i was going to find those 2000 crispy claims. i found a lot of seahawks fans. --krispy kreme. >>: i have the pompoms. >>: we've talked before and i've been now side and got buy starbucks and gone on line. 12¢ coffee. it's been crazy here. but this is seahawks mania >>: yes and it's going to keep rolling this weekend. it's going to continue through the game. and then i
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know there's a little bit of frustration for san franciscans do to the ticket situation. >>: we have a ticket situation here to. the >>: 09 france we have a charter seats for the seahawks but the really want to have the opponents sitting right next to you cheering and yelling. that's maybe not the best thing. i can tell you there's been falling on the ground. i've been offered beads and so far i've resisted. i've kept my red jacket on as well. show them i'm from a little bit. otherwise we're surrounded. police their
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feeding you. thanks a lot the teams don't particularly like each other. and the coaches really don't like each other. but heading in to the game. they're down playing the rivalry that dates back to their college coaching days. >>: i think he's a tremendous coach. the taurus starts and stops and everything else you guys can have a blast with it but there's nothing there. >>james: we'll continue to have the latest on the 49ers chasing the championship. coming up. we'll hear from 49ers legendary quarterback joe montana. about what colin kaepernick needs to do to get back to the super bowl this year.
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historically dry weather is >>james: expected to last for at least another three months. that's according to federal scientists. this report has prompted governor jerry brown to declare a drought emergency. he's expected to do so this morning in san francisco. declaring the emergency will make it easier to transfer water between different regions of the state. will take a quick break.
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a developing story we have been following here on kron four. live pictures of this warehouse fire. a machine shop on douglas ave and redwood city. all of this is closed off. firefighters continued to douse the fire with as much water as they can. the scene is still too dangerous a for firefighters to make an tree. the great american novel.
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so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can
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continuing to follow in the latest out of a the machine and factory fire. a sixth alarm fire over 100 firefighters are on the scene. here's what it looks like as we carry this for you live. you can see the flames shooting 20 and 30 ft. into the air. spreading out over redwood city. it does appear now that firefighters are getting much to because of the fire. >>george: we finally did see slow traffic on one 01 in the southbound direction. rainier and would have side the road. in the northbound side it's been slow coming up from university ave. southbound its heavy coming from hawley streets. were
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still jammed up on the rest of the bayshore freeway although we're definitely seeing some improvement coming down from sfo. there had been an accident on popular. looking at better conditions the still slow for 80 the southbound. heavy traffic from san leandro now all the way down to milpitas and down to 237. that's becoming a pattern. and were finally starting to see the clear of problems that started in the 4:00 hour when a gravel truck started spilling gravel and rocks on the connecting ramp from west 580 to south 880. for
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the commute to the san mateo bridge highway 92. the westbound direction never got back to up of all its low coming off the bridge. there's a new set alert and ran a county. when all was southbound in the vicinity of lucky drive. report of an accident there that may be blocking as many as three lanes. it's having an impact on the northbound direction slowing your ride heading up toward san rafael coming up for a seminary. with the to the weather center with erica. >>erica: the morning and happy friday. light winds right now with a very calm conditions. although you may need your jacket right now you won't need it by
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lunchtime as we put the clock into motion temperatures low only climb heading into three this afternoon and looks like we will hold onto mild conditions. breaking down your afternoon highs for today. plenty of '70s and the south bay. temperatures as much as 14 degrees warmer than where we should be for this time of year. and looks like we're definitely looking act burn record- breaking temperatures downtown oakland has a record high of 66. upper 60s and and now up. well '70s for those of you in san mateo. expect mostly cloudy
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conditions and the potential for some showers to rich really holding on to sunshine and temperatures above average. to at this very minute president obama is announcing what changes he is making to end s day spying practices. --nsa. he's expected to outline modest changes including the into the control of nsa on privacy affirmation. the president began revealing the surveillance program were watching his comments >>:
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the latest on the fire
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this morning, president obama will announce changes to some controversial government surveillance programs. the president is set to give a speech at the justice department at 8 a-m our time. in it, he's expected to outline only modest changes. the associated press is reporting that the president will call for an end to the n-s-a's control
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of americans' phone data. the president began reviewing the surveillance programs after former n-s-a analyst edward snowden leaked details to the public. meantime, congress has sent the president a new spending bill to sign. the 1-point-1 trillion dollar spending bill easily passed a senate vote yesterday. the house passed the bill earlier this week. the bill funds every agency of government through it also ends the threat of during that time. the president is expected to sign it before current funding expires tomorrow. before last december, 2013 was goiing to be an average year for pedestrian traffic fatalities in san francisco. but in that 31 days, six people were killed, including two on new year's eve.
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i'm for the kron4 tech report with gabe slate. >>: good morning. or two days away from the game. since then pinterest has been flooded with 49 or related food drink recipes. the see how other people are celebrating the team. a major use of the best things i found. you need something
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for the front door how about a forty-niner reef. there's dozens of garden gnomes. and some great team gear being supported for all shapes and sizes. warm and cold apparel. also some cool ways to do your nails. some hard- core fans are posting their tattoos. we're really pays off is for cool you need food and drink recipes. if you're hosting a party. everything from dessert specialty cocktails and grilled goodies. for direct links law on to kron4 dot com and look for my tech page. >>: >>darya: the breaking news with the following is the sixth alarm fire in redwood
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city. these are some of the pictures that you were sent and. they can see the smoke rising. this was before the smoke came up. you and the dark 0 we have shooting flames. this is closest to 101. if your drive to right by you may have sought. >>: they didn't go on the roof. there were just at the age of their. you don't want to go on the roof. >>: and finally appears they're getting a better handle on the situation. over 100 firefighters fighting this. will be back
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with more in a few minutes. female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, female announcer: even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. and through monday, get three years interest-free financing on selected models. don't miss sleep train's year end clearance sale. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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uncle go one,two,one,two,one [uncle]thistwo,one.cotch,okay? [niece]okay! [uncle]okay? [niece]one,two three,four,five,six,seven,eight! [uncle laughing] okay,we go the other way,okay? [niece]one,two,three,four,five, six,seven! [uncle laughs]there's ten spaces,you want to try again? [uncle]yeah?
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we're back. and much better situation for the fire burning of a sixth alarm fire in the real a city. kron4's will tran lot joins us with an update. >>: significant progress over the next 30 minutes. they're not calling this under control. their spring water on to the building. but the good news is you don't see any flames freed >>: it's their replaced with a white smoke. significantly better. a lot easier. they say they're
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making significant progress of the town line down just a little more fire fighters are on scene. costco not known. they had to evacuate a nearby apartment complex. fortunately no one was injured. could have some breathing issues down the road. no one died. no injuries and as you can see looks like a lot of damage to the buildings. i saw one of the owners and try to talk to her she had tears in her eyes. lots of heartbreak as people scrambling try to see what they're going to do for a job. >>: looks like it will wrap up over the next several hours to and what the investigators coincide to see what caused this fire.
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>>: this fire just two blocks away from the freeway. with an update from george. >>george: it's not as bad as another incident on we have an san jose fire. there's not as that as the fire is the press. we do have a little slowing and the southbound direction and it's right near woodside road. were still on monday in the back up from earlier this morning. one and accident at popular jamming up the ride to sfo. some of the heaviest traffic on 880 southbound of we are still sluggish through the entire length of the corridor. six '80s out about 580 westbound finally clearing for the early morning delays caused by a gravel spill. and even
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though the accident at lucky drive has been cleared in this alert canceled. you probably need a jacket to put you on the debt into the afternoon. we're looking at another day of record- breaking highs. sfo could actually tied an old record. in fact some places have not to ban this hot and to have a look at your 7 day around the bay in just a couple of minutes. >>darya: the 49ers craziness of the big game is happening. right now kron4's
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jacki sizzle is live at levi stadium waiting for them. i know there arrived a really early 3 is anything else going on. >>: still a lot of construction workers. not a lot going on otherwise. the practice starts in just two hours. in fact here's some video from yesterday when it took to the practice field but face it it's a huge week. the game ended on sunday. one for their third consecutive nfc championship game. hoping to make it back to the super bowl. >>: let's face is that tough ago. it has been a pretty picture. >>: what are they going to do. they're gone to leave today. they're going to have
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practiced today at 1030. then there heading off to seattle. i have a chance to talk to some players yesterday aldon smith and vernon davis about what they have to do. >>: we have to play perfect. and if it's not perfect we have to play close to it. it's got to be a defensive game and it's going to be a showdown. >>: were coming together. one another have to do their job. >>: we must be smart. >>: the moment we let them take our pride is the moment we failed. once again
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practice starts at 1030 this morning. will get on the buses and get to the airport. anyone to take advantage. for 30 is the time to wave goodbye to them. in >>: it wasn't their first rodeo. >>: is the quest for six. we will continue our coverage. waiting for them to leave this afternoon. and we have team coverage. to >>: j.r. is already in seattle. will continue to keep you posted all morning long. will be right back as keep you posted all morning l♪ should not all those presents make the cut ♪
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♪ no need to chk, donate or burn them ♪ ♪ just pack thein our flat rate b ♪ ♪ we'll come to your dr and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bout but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were cheesy ♪ to leave your house ♪ ♪ we'll come and take them, easy-pea ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holids like the u.s. postal servi. with improved priority il flat ra, just print a label, schedule a pickup and return those gifts at a same low flat re. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left.
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[ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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>> colin kapernick has struggled in seattle. that is not as surprise to most quarterbacks because they all do. his status in two games at current--is 32 of
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64 for 371 yds, one touchdown and four interceptions. he has rushed for 118 yds against the seahawks, but zero touchdowns. 49ers a legend joe montana they said capra met is cords have to rely on his arm to beat seattle. >> he has to be accurate. they're going to play good coverage. >> we will continue to have the latest on the 49ers and chasing the championship. >> we have an update from redwood city when we return.
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>> back now to the developing new is that we have been following all morning long. a 6 alarm fire broke out a machine shop in redwood city. here are some
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of the pictures many of you have been sending us. if you have a picture of this fire you want to share, you can send them to breaking news or >> stripin the consumer electronics show in las vegas states and the world of tech for the year ahead. there is a lot more to it than just the gadgets. br rich demuro explains
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in today's tech report. >> check in now the coolest and gadgets at can i really grow more here by the end of this show? >> i am ready for my work our. >> this is anything but organized. >> it will be twice as long for you to do this. you can see a lot if you got there and explored. >> at every turn your quantified crowds. companies are born to pull stunts to get your attention. pliny the brand embassadors ever were. the cutbacks to much about the products. i am not even sure what she is promoting trade >> this does make sense. we found her at eighth party. water is always popular. these speakers, it is
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behind this huge television. if you are lucky, you get a sipper while in the desert. >> what everyone is waiting for this what they catch up on their e-mail's. above all, everything at this place this smart. >> this year's event was the largest on record more th $150,000 --people attended. >> the fire that was slowing traffic down at 101 around of redwood city is no longer having an impact on the bayshore freeway. things
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have cleared. we are still congested or around 92 but a again this is still better improvements. it is still heavy a round sfo and northbound heading from popular. >> across the bay we're a much improved 80 south but we are still sluggish all the way from san leandro into milpitas. the marin commute is still backed up in the south though the sec more alert has been cleared of the drive time is under 40 minutes. >> this stretch is especially slow. looking at the bay bridge there is not much of a back up at all. only in the right-hand lane. the golden gate bridge has the problem free and 92, the san mateo bridge is great in both directions. >> we are waking up to
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colder conditions. a lot of us are the freezing mark. we drop to the upper 20s but as we head into afternoon we will see plenty of '60s and '70s. there will be another day of a record-breaking highs. oakland will have a high of 72 degrees. 70 degrees for livermore and los mid-70s for the south and 65 today for vallejo. by 8:00 p.m. this evening will hold on to mild conditions and if you do have plans, prepare yourself for the temperatures in the low 50's. >> satellite and radar shows clear conditions and high pressure is dominated the same. you can expect this to stick to the north and we will not see any storms. seven there from the bay shows that we will have sunshine into the weekend and the temperatures will be above average.
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>> developing story that we have been following about the suspect in a series of arson fires. patrick brennan is the person police believe committed many if not all of the fires. he was responsible for several bay area fires in the late '90s. maligned a classroom >> a classroom at greater st. john baptist church was one of the buildings that he allegedly set on fire last week. members of the church said they are relieved that someone is now in custody. thdeacon rolando johnson says that the mood, the charges improving and a
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warning fliers can now be taken down. >> johnson says that he has no idea what may have possessed him to set fires if he is in fact a person that is responsible. >> on top of gay your flu shot, doctors say, you should remember to eat healthy and avoid stress and not smoke. the flu outbreak is a leading to a busy days at clinics all around the bay, including this one at washington hospital. despite growing demand for the vaccine, the hospital offered discount flu shots, which seem tease the pain. >> continue to follow kron4 for the latest coverage on the deadly school our break. you can go to our website
8:51 am you will find tips of how to avoid catching the virus. >> to the latest on the fire that is burning in glendora about 25 mi. northeast of los angeles. here is the latest video this morning. 3700 residents have been evacuated. there are no reports of any injuries. right now, the colby fire started% contained rig the winds are expected to become a today. five homes have been destroyed and more than 1,700 a. has burned. the good news is that the l.a. county fire department's says the they have stopped the fire from spreading. >> today marks a grim anniversary. on january 17, 1994 at 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit the san fernando valley area of los
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angeles. this happened at 4:30 a.m. morning. the northridge earthquake killed 57 people, injured thousands more and also damage 112,000 structures. >> will be right back. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you,
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bring the energy you need. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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>> welcome back. lay's is bringing back their due as a flavor contest. from now until april fest, you can send in your ideas for a new ship flavor. contestanare ar flavor idea, and describe up to three ingredients. you can enter your idea at do as a slflavor at do us a fl flavor >> purslane michelle obama
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hits the half century milestonefirst lady michelle oba hits the half century milestone today. she is loving it. mrs. obama was born on january 17th, 1964 in chicago. the let's move creator is getting ready to move herself, as in show off some debts most. there is a big birthday celebration for her at the white house on saturday. >> if going to the store to satisfy your chocolate craving is too much effort. hershey's may soon have an easier option for you. the company has partner with the three dimensional printer maker 3 d systems to collaborate on developing a
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3-d printer that makes chocolate. there is no word when such a device might be available. >> someday this maybe affordable. we have a special show to show you what is cold. vicki will be hosting this at 9:00 p.m. after the news. >> we are following a developing story in redwood city. what once was a 6 alarm fire is now under control or either soon to be. we will have a live update from will tran coming up.
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anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you.
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>> a developing story we have been following here on kron >> we were following a
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major fire that was burning this morning. will tran joins us now with a latest. >> at this point they are stating that this fire is contained. the last update i received they expect this fire to be under control at 11:00 a.m.. we talked about how the air quality has been terrible. breathing has been terrible. i am struggling with this now. they're bringing out an air quality manager to terrify the situation. >> they do not know what caused this fire but they believe it was a machine shop and that is of the
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epicenter of the fire. they're calling this a 6 alarm blaze. about a hundred firefighters are here. you can see the urgency. >> even though they are spraying water on this place, also, that will look at the apartment complex bohai me just make sure if there's anything that has barely been damaged. the good news is that they were able to evacuate what this fire was spreading. >> new this morning we are waiting for an announcement from governor jerry brown. terisa estacio has of the latest. >> in just a short time the governor will hold a news conference at this building in san francisco. he is
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expected to declare a state emergency because of the drought. that will bring up certain issues as fair is fines and water rationing we are going to give you the latest information coming up. >> teresa estancia, kron 4 newterisa estacio kron4 new spread >> there is an accident that is backing up the ride through cupertino. it is also affecting to ignore, because a lot of the traffic is gone through cupertino. we are still on unwinding this back but due to an accident southbound 101 and looking dry. it is backed up
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mostly across the span. there was a westbound accident and was it clear to the heavy traffic it has been moved and then the bay bridge westbound there is good news there are no real backups or delays. if you are just heading out you should of grabbed a jacket. >> santa rosa is at 35 degrees upper 40's for san jose is a cold start for some of us into afternoon we are expecting record- breaking heat. plenty of seven days expected. gradually cooler conditions as we pushed through next we. dry and warm weather is
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here for the foreseeable future. i will break down your 7 their around the bay coming up. >> we're learning a lot more about the suspect in a series of arson fires in san jose. patrick brennan is the person police believe committed many -- if not all -- of the 13 - fires under suspicion. and officials say. brennan was responsible for several bay area fires in the late nineties. a classroom at greater saint john baptist church was one of the buildings patrick brennan allegedly set on fire the last week. members of the church say they're relieved someone is in custody. deacon rolando johnson says the mood around the church is improving and the warning flyers can come down. sot- deacon rolondo johnson/greater st. john baptist church the classroom trailers torched last tuesday and sunday mornings behind greater saint john baptist church are a sad reminder of the damage police say alleged arsonist patrick brennan caused here. and, the stress deacon rolondo johnson and the rest of his congregation have experienced since the first fire. sot- deacon rolondo johnson/greater st. john baptist church but now that brennan is in jail. johnson says the mood around church is improving. services continue. while the fliers warning
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about the arsonist can go in the trash. sot- deacon rolondo johnson/greater st. john what may have possessed brennan to light the fires. line >> seattle is already prepared for the 49ers arrival for sunday's n-f-c championship game. especially the 12th man which is the loud crowd at centurylink field. the only thing missing in the city are niner fans or red and gold. and from what we hear from many people, they are not welcome. >> and what do you have anything read the for the game? >> not here, but at home. >> thank you for coming down. she is from santa
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rosa. now let's talk to this person. >> come a little closer. tell me, you are from california? >> and yes, i am from california but i now live in seattle. >> do you hang out with these people? >> not by choice, i work here. >> would you be wearing the shirt this weekend? >> yes, i will. if the 49ers' when on sunday, i will be wearing this. >> do you hear that seahawks fans. >> thank you for joining us. this is some of the first 49er fans that i have came across. >> everybody is a transplant from somewhere. >> the time is 9 06 a.m.. we
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will be back. >> here's a live look outside will be right back
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>> welcome back. the latest on the fire burning in glendora outside of los angeles new video into kron four this morning. of that massive wildfire burning about 25-miles northeast of
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los angeles. thirty-seven hundred residents have been evacuated and do not know when they will be able to return. right now the "colby fire" is 30-percent contained. the winds are expected to be calmer today for firefighters battling the fire in the san gabriel mountains. five homes have been destroyed. and no injuries have been reported. so far the fire has burned over 17-hundred acres. >> today marks a grim anniversary. on january 17, 1994 a 6.7- magnitude earthquake hit the san fernando valley area of los angeles. it happened at 4-30 in the morning. the northridge earthquake killed 57 people, injured thousands more it damaged 112,000 structures and left more than 20-billion dollars in property losses. the quake was felt as far away as las vegas, nevada. >> the san francisco police department is searching for the people responsible for vandalizing a muni bus last month. you're looking at surveillance photos from december 20th on the muni- 37 line. the bus was stopped at
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haight and ashbury streets. at a red light, when a large crowd surrounded the bus, yelling and banging on the windows. some of the windows were shattered while others were marked with graffiti. >> the time is 9:11 a.m.. here is a live look outside our window on van ness ave. we will be right
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>> welcome back. we continue
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to attract delays are around the bay. we are looking at a problem on highway 85 in the northbound direction. a motorcycle accident in fremont ave. this is slowing the ride down for interstate 280. there is a second accident on 1 01 southbound once again backing up the traffic. west of 580, the richmond center fell bridges behind schedule due to an accident and there is more slowing on the nimitz freeway northbound within a crash on the northbound side. >> a quick bridge check, the bay bridge is just a little sluggish. there are no backups or delays. the golden gate bridge past slowing south bound with a stalled car and the san mateo bridges it easy and has been all morning long.
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they have no stop and go conditions. >> happy friday. the temperatures are starting to climb. it was a colder start this morning and we had a 21 degree drop along the coastline. as we head into afternoon plenty of '60s and '70s. oakland will be at 72 degrees pripet 73 degrees in sunbelt. we're looking at the possibility to break records. i think was a record-breaking highs in oakland. we may potentially see this for san rafael and sfo. you probably have plans later on tonight but keep a jacket hand. >> looking ahead this weekend, the important battle and c bowith the seahawkf you're going there they may
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have a possibility of showers. the seven they are round the bay shows 70's into the we can and a slight cooler conditions for next week. >> governor jerry brown made it official that there is a drought emergency pripe. this report has prompted him to declare this. he expected to do so this morning in san francisco. he is declaring that the this has prolonged this event and until iran's we have to do our part. he is making this so that it freezes up some of the restrictions. that declaration and was made just moments ago and we will have kron4 theresa a mustachio to bring us an
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updato resell a mustachio bring us an update. >> line >> before last december, 2013 was goiing to be an average year for pedestrian traffic fatalities in san francisco. but in that 31 days, six people were killed, including two on new year's eve. this is video from one of the accidents -- when six- year-old sophia liu was killed at the intersection of polk and ellis streets. in all, 21- pedestrians were killed last year in san francisco. that's the highest number since 2007. nearly 900 people a year are hit by vehicles in san francisco. grow.
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lineand a large crowd showed up for a meeting about pedestrian safety. a saftey meeting was held last night at city hall to address the increase in pedestrians killed or injured by cars. police chief greg surh says a plan is in place. officers are stepping up enforcement by are looking for distracted, speeding drivers and red light runners. but the chief says pedestrians are also being scrutinized. officers are looking for jay walkers and people who are texting and walking in the street. 21 pedestrians and five bicyclists were killed in car crashes last year. line >> smart glasses are so last year. google's new eyewear is a contact lens. here's a photo of one of them. sitting on the tip of a finger. this contact lens can monitor glucose levels in tears. it's an invention that has the potential to help millions of diabetics, who otherwise have to prick their fingers and draw blood several times a day in order to check their glucose levels. the new contact lens is just a prototype for now. google says it will take at least five years to make them available for people to use.
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>> good news for a san diego woman who was cited for driving with her google glasses on. the traffic court has thrown out her ticket. cecilia abadie was found not guilty. because when the officer pulled her over, the glasses were turned off. the law she was cited for breaking. requres the device to be on. abadie is believed to be the first driver to be cited for wearing "google glass" while driving. she was also cited in that traffic stop for speeding. >> caltrain will be giving a free ride down the peninsula it's all to celebrate 150 years of rail service in the bay area. a special train will leave tomorrow morning from the caltrain station in san francisco and travel to a celebration in santa clara with seven stops along the way. and something new is coming to those stops. commemorative plaques recognizing each station's status on the national register of historic places. caltrain serves about 54- thousand rides on an average weekday. >> more on the 49ers'. colin
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kapernick has struggled in seattle. that is no surprise because most quarterbacks the deal. his stats into games this century link field, 32 of 64 for 371 yds one touchdown and four interceptions. he has rushed for 118 yds against the seahawks but no touchdowns. 49ers' legend joe montana thinks that colin kapernick is going to have to rely on his arm to beat seattle. >> he has to be accurate. they will have very tight coverage. the >> as the countdown continues up to sunday's clash between the 49ers' and seattle seahawks. it is also
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a battle between two cities. our grant lotus breaks it down. >> each city has to there on a public transit. each is home to a popular coffee house. they also have ways to spend your money on line. money, that is the big difference. in san francisco, we earned more. >> restaurants are more than 15% expense of and so are the groceries. if you want to compare apple and oranges, apples are more expensive here and oranges are cheaper. >> similarities, the bed, seattle mayor promise to send local chocolates' san francisco mayor will send some chocolate and ice cream as well. deadly will add
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some type of bloody mary mix. >> coming up, the crack down on san francisco's busy streets is an affect. i will expand in the next edition of people behaving badly.
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>> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> you know giving me the finger is not going to stop me from videotaping yea but is not going to all you to show my face something tell me that putting the cat back in the bag in san francisco is going to a uphill battle the city is tried of all the bad drivers, cyclist and pedestrians so the glove and if it has two wheels or more or walks you might just want to watch your pees and ques oh and don't tell the face
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nats: ambiance this driver is sitting at the light at octavia and market one of the cities worst inteersections little does she know that the san francisco police department and the california highway patrol are conducting a joint enforcment here also know as a crackdown the reason you are pulled over is for using your phone while driving this bicylist is violating a few laws nats: siren so he gets to have a chat with a member of sfpd traffic division also known as a solo you understand right that it is illegal you for you to ride up the wrong way
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this goes for blocking the crosswalk when it safe to do so make this right hand turn pull over to the curb behind my car ok ok just so you know we are out here today enforcing this because there have been a lot of pedestrian accidents with vehicles ok this driver is about to ignore the no turn on red light sign and arrow hey hey . hey and apparently the chp officer in full uniform wheo then has to give chase nats siren churp you know if there is one person i want to talk to that is that driver sot i have to ask you this question you did see the police officer almost in front of you no never say him no you just made the turn did you see the no turn on red no so you didn't see the police and you didn't see the no turn on red sign no the san francisco police will be tightening the screws on bad drivers bay bicyclist and bad pedestrians and every chance i get im going to show it to you >> in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news
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>> welcome back. the time is 9:30 a.m.. we have updates on the fire that was burning in redwood city. kron4 will tran has been
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following the latest. >> they expect this fire to be under control about 30 minutes from now. they stated that long 10:30 a.m. it should be contained. two out of the three engine ladders are still spraying water. one look latter is no longer putting water on the building. that is pretty much the epicenter, the machine shop. they do not know the cause of the fire and that breathing has became an issue. the air quality department is, to come down to up monitor the situation. the fire department did not feel that this was bad enough that people had to have shelter in place. unfortunately, no one died and there were no injuries. at one point, it was very dangerous prip. people
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were inside this building at the time, most of them were sleeping. when they saw the fire, the fire department told them to get out. >> they're want to go out here a little bit later just to make sure it is ok for these people to return home if not, the red cross will be called in. the cause of the fire--they will do this until the afternoon. >> hithe time is 9:31 a.m.. >> we are still tracking hot spots. we are looking in the south where an accident in fremont with a motorcycle. it is tying up the traffic even worse on 85 northbound. 280 northbound. in the north, we are looking at
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slow traffic, 1 01 southbound. a second accident at interstate 580. there is a new problem getting into san francisco. take a look at the bay bridge, we have stop and go traffic, westbound from the island. as you can say, here is a treasure island. >> there is a disabled big break that is blocking the light just before off ramp. it has not translated into a back up. >> 880, northbound is still slow. the ride heading past the coliseum. we are no longer backed up but still heavy for the north bound commute. 580 gets you into downtown faster. >> the temperatures are starting to warm up and we are in the low 50's in san
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francisco. 48 degrees currently in concord and upper 40's for san jose. as we head into the after know where are looking at the possibility to break records. sfo my tie old record. some of the spots have not been this one since 1980. warmer weather will fall into the weekend and i will have a look at the extended forecast coming up. >> the 49ers getting in their last practices before heading off to seattle today for the big game on sunday. and the team is ready to play hard to get another shot at winning the super bowl. kron 4's jackie sissel is joining us live now from the levi's stadium in santa clara. jackie? and >> this is the headquarters for the 49ers'. i got out here about 4:30 a.m.. they are preparing for their next championship. actually
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they will have practice in a our that some 30 10:30 , they will head to seattle. as i stated this is their third consecutive nfc championship game under jim harbaugh. it has never been done in the divisional history of the nfl. this is big nils. i had a chance to talk to some of the players and they know what they need to do. >> we have to play perfect. if it is not perfect, we have to play close to a. it will get very defensive game. it will be a showdown. >> we are coming together. we have a feel for each other. we know how each
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other and do their jobs. the sky is the limit for us. >> we must be smart. the moment that we let them take our pride, that is the mode that will fail. >> once again, the practice here stars and an hour and it will go out practice and catch their flight at 4:30 p.m.. all the talking is over, it is time. sunday, 3:03 p.m. in seattle.3:30 p.m. >> seattle is already pretty they have all types of deals. early this morning we spoke to a seahawk's person just about how excited people or about this game. >> i have been a lot of
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places. i have been to games in the big 10. the noise is not a meth, >> i heard it was like a jet engine. what i am thinking, do people when they go do they wear ear plugs? >> i have never seen anyone personally and earplugs, everyone knows that it goes with the territory. they're ready for. >> is this with or without the extra noise? >> i know nothing about which you are speaking up. >> what is your big deal this morning? we're talking about the strength of the 49ers'. we live today, that has been working for them when they go on road trips. >> are you want to give them a big welcome? >> i am sure there will be
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people there to welcome them. everyone here, we're just embracing the bite of the game. starbucks is selling 12¢ cups of coffee. >> everybody is just impressing desperate >>embracing this. >> the other stories that we are falling. the teenager charged with setting another teenager on fire while the victim was asleep on an ac transit bus will be tried as an adult. a judge denied a
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defense attorney's request to move him to juvenile court. the suspect is only 16 years old. police say, that richard thomas confessed to setting the other child on fire. he has since returned home from the hospital after being severely burned. >> here's a live look outside this friday morning. we have another warm day ahead.
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>> flu concerns continue to grip the bay area. flu related deaths in the bay area remain at 20. the flu outbreak is leading to busy days at clinics all around the bay, including this one at washington hospital's public flu clinic in fremont. despite growing demand for the vaccine, the hospital offered discounted flu
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shots, which seemed to ease the pain of a flu shot for many. on top of getting your flu shot. doctors say, you should remember to eat healthy, avoid stress and not smoke all tips to ensure you stay flu- free and protected this season. we have much more coverage on the deadly flu outbreak on our website -- kron 4 dot com -- on our home page. click on the flu section.'ll find tips. from how to avoid catching the virus. to locations near you, to get flu shots. it's all on >> we will be right back. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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with u-verse high speed internet. [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams] >> welcome back. 49ers' seahawks is not the only game this sunday. san mateo own, tom brady will take his patroness to denver. brady will be at a mile high without two of his biggest fans. >> we will just watch.
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>> it really is. they do not get the same seeds. you want the good seats. i know his father. they stated that they only get a couple of good seats. maligned you cannot even buy tickets and seattle. they would not even let us purchase them. let's talk about this hot spot. westbound 580. does the disabled big red that backed up the traffic is now clear this ignore alert has been
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cancelled. >> the bay bridge toll plaza had only a minor impact we are still sluggish at the richmond san rafael bridge. there was an accident. still jammed up if you're ride head into santa clara on 85. 288 is just slightly affected. here is a look at your bay bridge ride pripet you can sit is sluggish in the right-hand lane. fasttrack users have no wait. the san mateo bridge does not have been problems with any stop and go traffic. it has been easy. >> let's get the last local
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weather. >> the temperatures are going to climb. san francisco temperatures are in the mid 30's pripet we have plenty of seven days a today. 714 santa clara. you will notice that this has backed out compared to yesterday. we saw upper 70's. 84 degrees in morgan hill. we will not see the same numbers today but we're still above-average. richmond will have a high of 70. oakland will have high of 72. clear skies over the bay area and air quality will be easy. high pressure is still going to be dominant. your 7 day around
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the bay 70's will carry into the weekend. just a modest cool down in the middle of next week. >> it is time for the tech report the gabe slate. >> good morning. we are two days away from the game. the internet has been flooded. people are posting their decorations and their apparel. if you are having a party or going to go party people are putting up good ideas with recipes. this is a great place to go so that you can get into the spirit. >> let me show you some of the best things that i have found. if you need something for the front door, just because you work in a shared space does not mean it you cannot the decorate. there are great
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team gear that is being supported for all shapes and sizes. also there are cool ways for you to do your nails. some fans are showing their tattoos. >> this is way for people to show their team spirit. if you are hosting a party or if you want to take something to work. this is the best 49ers' related items that have been posted. for a direct link you can log on our website >> facebook has launched a new feature called "trending." it gives users quick access to hot topics that are gaining buzz across the social network. officials say the product will help people find "the best content from all across facebook." trending will be available on the web in the u-s, the u-k, canada, india and australia. it will also be tested on mobile devices.
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>> the government has announced the largest ever forfeiture involving bitcoins. and a san francisco man is at the center of it. the federal government has seized 28-million dollars' worth of bitcoins from the black market website "silk road." earlier this week, a new york city judge said the government could keep all those bitcoins because they were the proceeds of crimes. the government also has control of the website. this comes three months after ross ulbricht of san francisco was arrested on charges of running silk road as a billion-dollar drug market. >> a san mateo-based startup called "snapcard" is allowing people to pay their taxes with bitcoin. it's possible thanks to the start-up's relationship with a third-party processor that connects the i-r-s with credit card companies. this comes after overstock- thousand dollars in bitcoin sales on the first day it began accepting the digital currency. r >> even the sacramento kings are getting in the mix. the kings will be the first pro sports team to accept the online currency bitcoin.
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the team said it has started accepting bitcoins for merchandise sold in its store at sleep train arena. it will start taking the currency for online transactions, including tickets and merchandise, by march 1. >> kings will be first pro sports franchise to accept online currency bitcoin tility will diminish as the >> if going to the store to satisfy your chocolate craving is too much effort. hershey's may soon have an easier option for you. the company has partnered with three-dimensional printer maker 3d systems to collaborate on developing a 3-d printer that makes chocolate and other edible products. there's no word when such a device might be available. it's also unclear how much it would cost and how it would differ from machines that make candy bars >> and you'll want to stay
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with kron-4 for the best in technology. we will feature the top 20 new. high tech gadgets from this year's consumer electronics show. our vicki liviakis will host the show. which airs on friday, january 24-th at nine o'clock. right after the kron-4 news at eight. >> we will be right back.
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line it is now time for dine and dish with vicki live beyond this. >> this tiny oyster bar dross patriots are from all along the road. it is shutting down but not forever. >> after shocking and
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estimated 10 million oysters it is want to go full halt. it is taking over next airspace. they're not cannot walls. >> we finally bit the bullet. we are expanding. they were nice enough to give us this opportunity, we took it. >> she has mixed emotions. >> sometimes i cry. actually, they are going to up party because we will not be selling them for awhile. >> you will be okay. we are going to be at the farmers' market and we will have rallies. when we expand people can look forward to a full bridge programs written >> this is slated to reopen sometime in april.
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>> in san francisco, kron 4 news. >> have a good weekend. dr. phil is next.
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>> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." families in crisis. after a brutal attack -- >> my mom never came to see me if the hospital. >> announcer: was she stabbed in the heart by her family? >> dr. phil: she said it killed you to take off work. >> announcer: plus, he's 24, lives at home and mom drives him everywhere. >> dr. phil: you're going to do this until he's 40 and he's the creepy guy living in his mother's basement? >> dr. phil: let's do it. >> have a good show, everybody. here we go. >> dr. phil: i hate to see people suffering. you've hurt long enough. >> stand by, dr. phil. >> dr. phil: i'm going to get you the help you need. this is going to be a changing day in your life. >> go, dr. phil!


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